What is this?
Myofascial Release, Craniosacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation are all osteopathic manual therapies that work with your nervous system as well as specific targeted tissues in your body. I have been trained in all 3 therapies to varying degrees and have combined these manual therapies in a way that benefits people at a profoundly deep level.
When I place my hands on your head, your body energy pulls me in the direction it needs my help. I listen and offer support. Your body does the healing. I often call this work Intuitive Bodywork because I generally don't go in with an agenda, but listen to your body and it's needs.
Why do I have to commit to 3 or 6 sessions? I only see a massage therapist when I feel I need it;
what's different with this work?
The bodywork I provide is different than a Swedish massage (your typical massage) in that I am working more intimately with your nervous system via myofascial, visceral, craniosacral, neuromeningeal and dermoneuromodulation techniques. I look for specific physiologic responses that indicate your nervous system is discharging energy and completing feedback loops. Your body 'tells' me when it has had enough work and I honor your body's messages. In between sessions (I recommend 7-10 days), your body is resetting and adjusting to the changes it made during the previous session. I typically see the best results when we work together a minimum of 3 times - this allows for enough change that you notice a difference and allows your nervous system to integrate that change. Following the first 3 sessions, I invite your body to a longer reset time (2-4 weeks) and then, if you're interested, we can continue with another 3 sessions.
If you are new to these techniques, I'm happy to do a one off session with you prior to committing to a full healing package.
I noticed some uncomfortable feelings in my body following our session? Is this normal? I didn't like it. What can I do about it?
It is 100% normal to notice some changes in your emotional state with bodywork of any kind. Perhaps you've heard the phrase "your issues are in your tissues". Have you ever had an encounter with someone who was angry and belligerent and wouldn't listen and leave that encounter with a headache? Have you ever had a quarrel with your spouse and notice that over the next few days your low back hurts? Have you ever worried about the health of a loved one and noticed that your shoulders are up to your ears and your neck hurts?
We can't separate our feelings from our body; in fact, our body state informs our emotions. We tend to cut ourselves off at the neck, ignoring our body and keeping all attention in and around the head. When we open up the connection between the body and the mind, we may notice that our mind is overwhelmed with information from the body. Suddenly, we notice everything! The fear from that car accident 20 years ago, that time that kid in school called us names, the pain from slipping on the ice, the annoyance at our boss...the list goes on and on. In a perfect world, we would deal with these issues as they arise. When we can't or don't know how to deal with these issues, the emotion from the issue doesn't just go away - it just gets stuffed down inside of us. Anger in the liver. Fear in the kidneys. Grief in the lungs. Not to mention the myriad of musculoskeletal pains and tightness we feel daily.
This complex trauma sensitive work I do with your body helps to discharge some of the emotion and energy of these daily stressors without having to talk about, re-live or even think about the specific event that caused the issue in the first place. We literally clear space in your nervous system.
Interesting?! But I'm not sure!
I get it! Healing is hard! We often enter into bodywork just because it feels so good, not realizing the profound changes it can create in our life. If we choose to work together, I will support you and your commitment to change. I will also hold you to your commitment. I encourage you to consider adding BodyMind Coaching into the healing equation once you have experienced the effects of my Intuitive Bodywork. The combination is unmatched in helping you create the life you deserve to live! And that's why I ONLY work with women who are committed to themselves.